Saturday 14 February 2009

Last time in Frankfurt office for three months

Finally. Everything done. The last remaining texts sent to the clients, all my hours are in the system. About time. Now I'm almost ready to go.

One of the interesting things on this last day here in the German office (at least for three months) was a call regarding a potential new business opportunity, we will see what comes out of it. Quite pleasing, in a way: the caller had remembered us from a project two years ago and called again now with something else. So she cannot have been too dissatisfied with our services in 2006 ;-)

Nice as well: a presentation about how young people communicate on the web, and how such insights could be used for the election campaign of a German political party. One of the presenters was a colleague's son - who did a great job!

And later some drinks in our common room. It was a bit emotional saying good bye to my colleagues here this evening, I'm going to miss them, and by far not only the rest of the "boy group". One guy might actually come visit me on a stopover. Would be great. And I'm going to miss playing table soccer as well ;-) I wonder what people in Dubai do for a bit of office distraction in the evenings...

For a while it had not been 100% sure if all would work out with my trip to Dubai, now it all happens almost too fast - certainly for my girlfriend, who just realized that the city is quite far away from where we live now.

Write to you soon!

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