Wednesday 18 February 2009

Breaking News: Silberhorn spotted by famous journalist!

Being discovered by star reporter Jo Klein despite his ingenious disguise, Silberhorn (third from right) seems to be happy even in the midst of the global economic downturn. We will keep you posted on any new developments!


  1. You are even more jobless than the workers. That was a cheap-shot at Photoshop skills.

    You are a sad human being...

  2. Yes, very sad indeed! Especially, as you are not revealing your name, which would make me so much happier ;-) As I only know your IP adress and city, I can't even tell you this was done by a good colleague and I think it's really funny -which, of course, I would never say of the sad experiences many people have to go through as a result of the downturn!
