Thursday 7 May 2009

Surreal Sharjah Sight

Quite ghostly sight, isn't it? I took that picture with my high-quality 1 megapixel mobile phone camera last weekend in Sharjah.

As the oppressing afternoon heat subsided, I strolled lazily around the city's reconstructed old area, after I left the Art Museum. And in a little side street, I found what I had been looking for for some time already: Tiny handle-less coffee cups matching the dhalla (the traditional Arabic coffee pot) I had bought a few weeks ago as a souvenir.

Quite happy with my two dirhams-a-cup purchase, I then briefly visited the Al Hisn fort which strangely squats right in the middle of a road leading to the sea shore.

As the sun slowly settled, I walked along the sea, amazed at the chaotic sight of Dhows being loaded and unloaded with anything you can imagine.

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