Wednesday 15 April 2009

Happy Vishu!

Yesterday, the so-called vishu festival marked the first day of the astronomical year; it is also considered as the harvest festival of Kerala, a southern state in India. Many families of Indian expats from that region celebrate this event here in Dubai.

The festival entails an arrangement called Vishukani, consisting of items that are supposed to bring luck for the coming year, such as an oil lamp, mirror, fruits, vegetables, rice, betel leaves and nut and fresh linen - when you see them first thing in the morning, walking with closed eyes to where the arrangement was placed the previous night. Children then seek the blessing of parents and older siblings, and receive small gifts.

According to wikipedia, it is also seen as auspicious to read verses from the Hindu Holy book Ramayanam after seeing the Vishukani. Some believe that the page of the Ramayanam to which you open up will have a bearing on your life in the coming year. And there may be fireworks in the evening in the respective region in India.

One thing I really like about Dubai is that you have many cultures rolled into one city. So you learn about traditions and customs that are not only foreign to a European, but are also originally from other parts of the world. Happy Vishu everybody!

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