Monday 20 April 2009

Air Race in Abu Dhabi

One of the best-publicized recent events in the UAE: an Air Race organized by a fizzy energy drink company in Abu Dhabi, the UAE's capital, last weekend.

It's been literally everywhere - in TV and radio ads, as well as in numerous newspaper stories in national print media. And it's one of the reasons why I decided to have a look at Abu Dhabi this past Saturday. It's only about a 2h drive from Dubai.

Quite simply, pilots had to complete a certain parcours in as little time as possible, with as few mistakes as possible. That easy formula made for some quite entertaining and even exciting moments - and sparked quite a lot of emotions among the expected 200,000-plus audience cheering at their favorites. If only those tiny planes had been easier to catch with my small digital camera, I might have been able to take better shots...

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